I am resolved....
I don't necessarily make any "new" resolutions but I am resolved to carry out some lifelong commitments that just happen to coincide with the beginning of a new year. Each year, I am committed to grow as a Christian & to nurture spiritual growth by nourishing my spirit through things I read & study. I can't " give a cup of cold water in His name" if my own well is dry.
I am resolved to encourage others in their walk with the Lord.
For me, that is usually sharing what I'm gleaning through His Word, what I believe he's doing in my life & to share from my own experience.
The picture above is of some of the things I am doing right now. The "Finding Fulfillment" by Dorothy Davis is an excellent Bible study guide that I do with a group of women at my church.I gain so much from the insights & perspective of other women who have the same goals as me in life. I highly recommend being in a study group for personal growth. I've also used study guides alone, at home, with my daughters, when they still lived here or just a couple women. Elizabeth George study guides have been a personal favorite for me in the past also.
"Strength for your Journey" , a daily devotional Bible. I got this from my Grandmother. All this is, is a Bible that's been divided into portions for reading for each day of the year. This one has Old Testament, Psalms, Proverbs, & New Testament segments for each day. It also contains a small devotion & a verse for the day, at the end.
Maybe you've always wanted to read the Bible for yourself but felt it was a daunting task. Or you started at the beginning & got bogged down & quit. A One Year Bible will make it do-able for you. I am a fast reader but I would guess most anyone could do it in 15-20 minutes per day. My other personal recommendation is - read it in a translation you understand, a Christian bookstore can help you with that.
I want to share some encouragement in reaching that goal if you've never done it before. Sometimes, people start reading, then, for whatever reason they a miss a day or two...& fail to catch up. They miss a few more days & get so behind they give up.
I'm going to give you a couple ways to handle that. One, just let it go, start reading on whatever date it is when you pick it back up again. Gasp!! Surprised you, didn't I? You're trying to acquire knowledge of God's Word, this isn't about being perfect. When you're trying to implement change, allow for stumbling. You're like a toddler trying to walk. You'll fall down sometimes, but I'm here to encourage you in the big picture. Get back up & start reading. Trust me. It's okay. At the end of the year, even if you started & stopped a few times, you'll have more in you than if you quit the first months.
Here's another alternative for you-Read Ahead !
If you tend towards a type A personality, this might work better for you. Read ahead as you're able. If you finish reading it before the year's over-great! If you miss a few days, no worries, you're still ahead!!!
I hope you're resolved to carry out your commitments or make a new resolution. I'm behind you 100% & here to help you succeed- God Bless! -Jill
No resolutions for me -- I just have some overall goals like finishing projects, learning a couple of new things, etc. Good luck with you endeavors.
Hi Jill,
A belated Happy Birthday!!!
This has really inspired me, thanks for sharing your heart. I saw the same love for God's Word that I've always seen in you. And it always inspired me to get into a study of God's Word. I have been thinking alot about Trust and was thinking of doing a study on Trusting God. Your thoughts seem to be the thing that will push me into it. Thanks again for the inspiration, Lyd
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