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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kitchen madness continues

Ahhh, to close out the day, why not rip some walls out??!! It's better than watching tv,it's good for my figure & we need to get it done!! What does this involve? A layer of screwed in sheetrock, a layer of "milkhouse board" that is nailed every 4 inches or so, lath that is hard to describe. We couldn't lay our hands on the camera at the time & I was in my work groove. I've never seen anything like the construction of this house.Let's just say we have grave doubts about calling him a craftsman or skillful.We would call him amazing; ingenious;words fail me. I must surely get a picture of the house skeletal system for you. Anyways,it's been a very good workday with lots of work still lying ahead & of course,the ever present time crunch. Hey, it's out of my hands,I'm turning every bit of this project over to the master carpenter...... there's no one better to be in charge of this project!!!

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