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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Well, a BIG Woo Hoo for Dan!!!! Heat is on it's way & not a moment too soon !!! Comparing the original heating system that was here to the new one,the old one would be something like a fire breathing behemoth,the new one a sleek,zippy sports car!!!! Fuel prices being what they are, it's definitely time to switch to a high efficiency system.
I got to work on the bumper pads for the boys yesterday,should finish them today. Ashley was 35 weeks on Friday-I'd better hurry,huh?!!
More good news- Miles will be taking a new job & training for that should be starting around the first of December. Hmm,let's see how many life changes we can get going here- arrival of twins,selling home,Ashley at home, sell a vehicle,Miles training in 2 locations,Ashley & twins here during training,move to North Dakota!!!!!! Did you see that really important one for Grandma??ASHLEY & TWINS HERE DURING TRAINING??!!! Yahoo!!! Somehow you feel more like a Grandma when you can help & spend time together!! Can't wait!!
Summer & Ariana are doing wonderful...... that little baby girl has certainly got our hearts wrapped around her pretty little finger!!!

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