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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tattoo?!!!?!! Countdown-2 DAYS!!!

I just received one of my Christmas Presents-a book called"Pretty Little Potholders". Kinda makes me think of "Christmas in July"..except this is,well, June.Perhaps,I'll get to whip some up in July...for Christmas December.(Time for a bit of caffeine here?!) Back to the book-I love it!! Very"me",thanks, hon! By the way,I don't mind Christmas in July, August, September,Oct..........!!!!

I don't have a tattoo.I don't WANT a tattoo.I have enough surgical scars to never want to deliberately cause pain or further any marring on my body. So, what's up with all this tattooing business??!! I believe some call this a "generation gap".Gap, ha,a gap is that failure of your buttoned shirt to lie smoothly over your expanding waistline. A gap is a small space between your front teeth that allowed you to stream water at unsuspecting siblings in your youth. Who coined that term, anyways? Wouldn't something of a larger dimension have been a little more appropriate, like "generational galactic spread"? As in,surelythis is the thinking of aliens in what looks like my children's body?!! As in, our thinking belongs in a different galaxy from the young ? Just how & when did they kidnap our children & get them to voluntarily brand themselves...& pay for it? !!!!

Leaving those in the tattooed category unnamed...our son, Travis, should be on a plane on the 26 th,arriving on the 27th. Can't wait to see that boy!!!

1 comment:

Nanette Merrill said...

Yeah, I don't "get" tatoos. Just don't get them. And people think they are sexy. Don't get that either.

I do get the Pretty Little Potholders book thogh! I bought it for myself for my birthday. I'm spoiled that way. But I love it. So far its been just a picture book but I have plans.